Monday, February 20, 2017

Cherries, Parks, and Merry-Go-Rounds

  Yesterday we took up trip to Batesville Indiana. On President's Day weekend, and only President's Day weekend each year they sell Cherry Thing-A-Lings, which are basically cherry fritters. However, they seem extra special, and many people must agree since they've sold 48,000 and people were waiting as long as two hours to purchase some!

When we got there, the line was barely outside the door of the small shop, It moved slowly, because they had already sold out of donuts and was making fresh ones as we waited. At one point, they offered day old Thing-A-Lings at a discount and a bonus: you got to skip the
 line! We took them up on this offer and walked out with three dozen, basically getting a dozen free compared to the fresh donut price.

  After that we headed to the other side of town to the park we stop at each year. Since the weather was wonderful (compared to the times we've been there when it was actual freezing temperatures) we stayed for quite a while. We played on the old park equipment, the way it was when I was  kid. Free standing metal slides, metal climbing equipment scattered about, and Merry-Go-Rounds. These where obviously the favorite, as there were almost always several kids on each one. Even though I was already motion sick from the car, my brother's and I took a spin. All the Merry-Go-Rounds near our house were removed years ago, so it was really fun to ride one again!